Here are 100 Self Worth Affirmations for Confidence and Self Esteem
I love my body and all it does for me
I am enough
I am worthy of love
I respect my own boundaries
Today, I choose me
I love the woman/man that I am
I am loved
I am deserving of love
I am kind to myself
Love flows from within me
I am beautiful, inside and out
I embrace my unique individuality I deserve happiness
I let go of negative self talk
I am whole
Everything I need is within me
I am in control of my happiness
I am capable of reaching my goals
I accept myself unconditionally
I do not let my fears hold me back
Powerful Affirmations for Self Confidence and Self Esteem
I am grateful for all that I have
I make time to care for myself
I love and accept all of me
Loving myself comes easily and naturally
I am strong and resilient
I am successful
My capacity for love is infinite
I let go of those who do not have my best interests at heart
I let go of my past and live in the present
I am growing each and every day
I forgive myself and learn from my mistakes
I am a work of art I am valued
I allow myself to feel deeply
I am open to receive love
I love the body I was born with
I can achieve anything I set my mind to
I overcome challenges with grace and ease
I have a warm and caring heart
I am exactly who I need to be in this moment
I send love to my fears and doubts
I deflect negativity
I believe in myself
I can say no when something does not serve me
I let go of that which no longer serves me
I accept compliments easily
I release any need for suffering
I have a lot to offer the world
I love every part of what makes me who I am
I am blanketed in the Universes’ loving energy
My life is filled with love and joy
I have always and will always try my best
I have achieved great things
I respect myself
My life is a place of balance and harmony
I have the power to change my world
I choose to stop apologizing for being me
I am not my mistakes or my flaws
Others accept and love me for who I am
I prioritize myself and my needs
I radiate confidence
My mind is filled with loving thoughts
Positive Affirmations for Self Worth
I attract positive and loving people into my life
The more I practice loving myself, the more lovable I become
I let love in
I let my love for myself increase each day
Love flows freely from inside of me
I practice self-compassion when I do not succeed
I honor my own life path
I honor and respect my limitations
I have so much to love about myself
My life is a reflection of the love inside me
The only approval I need is my own
I radiate love
I love my own company
I do not need anyone to feel worthy
I attract love and light
I release the need to judge myself negatively Today
I start loving myself more
I am capable of loving fully and completely
I treat my body with love and care
I am powerful and confident
I trust in my ability to make it through difficult times
I trust my intuition
My life is full of endless opportunities for success and happiness
My inner world creates my outer world
I reward myself for my hard work and dedication
I am balanced The universe supports me, always
I have a loving relationship with my body
I can choose self-love whenever
I desire Loving myself means
I am able to love others more
I have a positive and healing effect on others
I have so much to celebrate in life
I am proud of myself
I choose to view my life positively
My body is my best friend
I choose to nourish my health
I am the healer of my own life.
The above positive affirmations can be recited, listened to or watched every day.
100 Self Worth Affirmations for Confidence and Self Esteem are powerful in themselves that they can help you overcome your challenges, boost your energy and put you on track to achieving greater things in life.
Positive Affirmations for Self Worth work well for people who seek friendship and attract people.
Repeat these 100 Self Worth Affirmations for Confidence and Self Esteem regularly and you will experience changes in your life, career, business and family.
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